Friday, May 30, 2008

Who is Christie?

Well, that's a good question. It could be answered by many people in many different ways, but thankfully I'll answer it personally.

I know I was coloring pictures, drawing with chalk on the driveway and making beautiful Mother's Day cards before this instance, but this is the first vivid memory I have where the creativity started to take shape. Walk with me. It was first grade, we were making calendars I believe and drawing pictures for each month. It was a summer month and I was drawing something outdoors. I had made a sun with my wonderful bright yellow crayon. Instead of making a circle, coloring it in and making some rays, I continued to make that sun as thick and full of yellow wax as I could. So round and round I went, until my teacher came and said, ok Christie I think you got the sun as bright as it can be. I still remember that moment to this day and to this day, would still get just as excited about a brand new box of crayons.

Just as I didn't stop making my sun as bright as it could be, I kept on through the years being creative and crafty. I had my years of being a tom-boy and thinking crafts were stupid, but in my girls group at church, everyone wanted me to do their craft b/c I did it so much better. I loved art class, the smell of the Mr. Sketch markers, cutting and pasting a collage of that years interests, entering my projects in the Fine Arts Festival. Then in high school I didn't get into art again until my junior year, where I fell in love with it all over again. Took all the classes I could and... enter the computer. We got our first computer in 1996 and from then on, I've been on it. I put art and computers together, doing graphic design in college and here I am.

I've found many new places for inspiration, on and off the computer. I'm trying to find a place for it in my busy life and love to put design into any area I can. I love being able to contribute to people's big days, like wedding invites and baby announcements, to enhance their small businesses with logo and website design and to fill my own home and others with the many ideas I have bursting out of my head (and my favorites list). I hope the drive of design continues as my family grows and becomes more busy, so this should be a place to find those little treasures we find or those places of inspiration. We (Jenn and I) hope you enjoy diving into our little design world!


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