Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Garden Extraveganza!

So all the plans & projects I've been working on all have been waylaid for the past couple months because of one thing-my garden! I love being outside & on top of that I bought my first house at the beginning of the year, so next on my list of fun things is customizing my new home to fit my tastes. Most of the yard was grass & the flower beds that existed were full of scraggly half dead bushes, rocks, weeds, more rocks, gross things I don't want to mention, and did I say rocks?? We've been pretty lucky the weather has been relatively nice here in Michigan, so I've gotten lots of opportunities to go out and work on covering my backyard & part of my front yard w/ gardens. I also did a lot of work by my patio, where I took out a retaining wall, leveled out the dirt to the rest of the yard, & laid the sod I took out of the garden into the dirt. Talk about sweat equity!! I took some before & after pics of all my hard work & posted them for your enjoyment. Cheers!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sewing Machine Bliss

Back story: My mom was an amazing quilter. I say was because almost 6 years ago now, she passed away from a year long battle with leukemia. My mom was a quiet person, liked to be by herself and do her own thing. If you didn't know her, you'd think with her spunky attitude that quilting would be the farthest thing from one of her hobbies. But since highschool she started dinking around quilting and soon excelled at it. She started small, did some other crafts like cross stitch and making gifts for our teachers over the years, but in the later years she focused on quilting and trying different and creative things with new techniques and fabrics. She made probably hundreds of quilts, most of which she gave to others as gifts. She even started the tradition of giving all my cousins a baby quilt and when they turned 13 they would get another one all their own. We still have a lot of quilts to continue that tradition there are still 4 girls left to get one. What a treasure for them! We also received our fair share of bed quilts, lap quilts, quillows (a quilt that turned into a pillow), wallhangings and now dozens of unfinished, almost done or just started, quilts to complete.

I can't say I'll ever have all those quilts completed. Part of it is time and money, maybe the other part is keeping the memory of that was moms and she left it the way she wanted it. Maybe not quite thought through yet on what she wanted to do or she was waiting for a new line of fabric to come out to complete the thought. Not sure.

My mom had in recent years purchased a beautiful digital sewing machine, so her first expensive maching sat idle in the closet for years. The digital machine went to her good friend who is still putting it to great use! The old machine I wanted to resurrect and thought it might not as the pedals went missing. But weeks later, my dad found them! Mom's friend, Mary, checked out the machine and said it works great just needs a cleaning. So dad brought it up this weekend!

I am not a quilter by any stretch of the imagination. I wish I spent more time learning from her. But since joining Etsy and finding so many inspirational sites on easy projects, I wanted to get that machine going! I found Amy Butler and her fabrics and designs about a year ago when I was looking for a diaper bag pattern. I have since checked out her books and the design of her fabrics, bags, paper and all of other simple crafts are so beautiful to look at! It reminds of me going to antique shops and seeing old quilts stacked up thinking of who cuddled up in those or who did they comfort?

From there, my inspiration comes from my daughter, who is 8 months and cute as a button. I'd love to make her sundresses and a blankie. I also purchased a handbage off of Etsy that is beautiful and wondered if I could do something like that? Here is a site on Etsy to buy Amy's fabric or a host of other beautiful patterns: fabricsupplies.etsy.com

So with all that said, I may never make beautiful queen sized quilts and spend hours cutting up small squares of fabric ready for assembly, but I could create memories for my kids as I've recalled my own memories with my mom. All because of a sewing machine.


Over the long 4th of July weekend I worked on a little food photography for the cook book. And when I say a little I mean just some asparagus. :) Here are a few of my favorite images from the shoot! I'm really enjoying the depth of field the lens (100mm) is allowing me to achieve. I'm able to pick out a specific area of focus and let the rest of the image just melt away. Whoo hoo!! One image is a little cooler than the other in terms of color correction, but I like the feel of each on its own. I figure the difference won't matter when we throw it into the cookbook with some of Christie's great design! :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Food photography

from Lara Robby Photography

One of the projects Christie & I are planning together is a cookbook. Her in-laws are phenomenal cooks so we're going to take their recipe's and combine them w/ some of my food photography & voila! Cookbook magic :) I've been researching food photography and came up with some photographers that I LOVE! Check out Lara Robby's Photography at http://lararobby.com/1food.html

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sneak Peek

Thought I'd share some "before" pics of the boxes I mentioned in my 'New Desk' post. These are the pieces of wood I'm going to upcycle into a new work desk for my studio. They were actually pretty easy to take apart-surprising with the amount of rust on the bolts! I have a few design ideas for the table but have yet to pin one down. Right now I'm going to use the spray painted side boards for the top surface, some of the bottom boards as side panels, & the steel pieces to anchor the legs to the table top. Doesn't make sense? Stay posted for some "in progress" & "after" pics!

I still love the idea of having a one of a kind desk built from old wood, which was part of the burgeoning community in which I live and work. It's kind of like taking a part of history bringing it into your own life & lifestyle. I can't wait to have it finished! :)
Btw: found this site today-LOVE the photography! http://www.noa-noa.dk/

Friday, June 6, 2008

Start and stop, start and stop

Geez, you'd think with all the millions of ideas running through my brain I could pick one of those things to write about. Nope. Start, stop ,delete is what I'm doing. Maybe it's the humid weather that we're finally getting here in West Michigan.

Family seems to be a topic I've been dealing with lately. So my grandparents are having their 50th Wedding Anniversary this year and they want to have an updated extended family picture (thank goodness, the last one was in 1995 or something). So we've been toying around with different ideas, some standard white and khaki, but I was reading one of my many blogs the other day and came across this idea:

(photo from: http://lifeisallaround.typepad.com/)

I found out from her post that they used teal, navy and white top with jean or khaki bottoms. I love the look of this picture as it breaks up everyone with pops of color, not overbearing and they don't look like a generic family. Along with the different color scheme, she made it look a bit vintage with a little help from Photoshop I'm sure. Now to convince 27 other people that this is the way to go..... I still have a couple months. :)

Bringing it closer to home, we're trying to make some adjustments in our unexpectedly growing family. I found this bed idea for our daughter Anna (on http://www.designspongeonline.com/) that 1: my husband really liked a lot, 2: it works with our multipurposed theme we're trying to do throughout our house with the chalkboard back which could be anything and storage/dresser under the bed and 3: it's super cute and we could probably make it (with a little help from dad I'm sure)!

This also reminds me the bed I had made when I was in college for my summer stays with the parents. Because I wasn't home much anymore, I had switch with my brother from my huge room to a tiny room. It had 4 drawers underneath my bed so I didn't have to fit a dresser in there. It worked out well and now my brother, after using it for quite a few years himself, is passing it off to some cousins that need it and will fit on it. :)

Personally, I'm working on a few ongoing projects at home. Nothing as cool as what Jenn's been up to, but I'm repainting a childrens bench (the one with the wrought iron sides and wood slats) a bright yellow to add to our newly landscaped front yard. I'm also hoping to pick up some flower pots this weekend, repaint them the same yellow and place them on our front steps. As yellow seems to be my theme this spring, I'm hoping to repaint our main floor bath a #2 pencil yellow and use an Etsy purchase and other items I'm repurposing for this "remodel" job. I'll post pictures upon completion (don't hold your breath)!

Have a happy, hot and humid weekend b/c we are!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

New Desk

I've been getting more and more into recycle, reuse, and upcycling these days. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upcycle) Most of the time I recycle because I'm financially limited, but I think being creative about old things-furniture especially, can lead to really creative cool pieces that are one of a kind & better for the environment. Here's a pic, sorry no before image :( I forgot, of a desk I acquired from my Grandma. I re-painted it a la Pottery Barn, using a semi-gloss Behr paint from Home Depot & the original hardware. Before it's green make over it was a worn brown stain & some of the drawers had chipped veneer's. I sanded it down before I painted, took off the chipped veneer, & filled cracks w/ wood putty. The whole project cost about $20, was really easy, & one of my sisters actually commented that it "looked right out of Pottery Barn!" :)

The next project I'm working on is a work table for my studio. I'm using re-claimed wood from some factory boxes that were out on the curb for free! Is there any other way? ;) I'll post pics of the progress so we can see the before & after of my upcycled worktable!